
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

How to Get More Confident by Failing

Self confidence is a skill and skills are things that you can practice! The downside is that to practice you need to be in situations that make you uncomfortable, situations that require that new skill, situations you have been avoiding because you keep on making ‘mistakes’. By doing nothing more [...]

Lessons Learnt from Diving – The Art of Empowerment

The moment the euphoria started to wear off was the moment I realised that my world record was not an ending, but a beginning, one that may take my entire life to understand. When I get stuck I tend to look back at my diving to see if what I [...]

Being Empowered – Using the power of your Voice and Choice!

The entire goal behind te-a and Conscious Enlightenment is to create empowered individuals. Which requires a number of conditions to be met. The first and most important of these is to understand what empowerment is. It is not something that you can be given! No matter how long you wait [...]

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

A New Adventure – Deeply Agile

After 8 years at Standard Bank I have made the rather tough decision to leave and start my own company, Deeply Agile. The last 2 years as a facilitator for the bank's in-house Servant Leadership program has created a strong calling for me to focus on creating autonomous and collaborative culture. I am creating a series of workshops that grow your inner servant leader and allow you to show up with more impact and more influence. Part of this is to also bring the Why Discovery process to South Africa. Living from my own Why and How has been pivotal [...]

And That is How Leaders Create Compliance, Thinking it is Great Leadership

LEADER (as a participant in the room),  " So we all agree it is....." or the faster, "Does everyone agree ?" ROOM ..... some nods, mostly that suspicious silence that indicates disagreement LEADER (as a participant in the room)... takes silence as agreement and carries on Sound familiar ? 'Does everyone agree' Forces Compliance It closes the space to differences, forces consensus and creates compliance. It also relies on others perception of your authority and their willingness to submit to what you have declared as being the 'right' answer! Even more insidious, this simple sentence and its many variants subtly [...]

Finding Peace when living in an emotional world

Many people think excitement is happiness. But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace. At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it. Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free." ―Thich Nhat Hanh This connected for me (most of Tich Nhat Hanh's words do even though I am not a Buddhist). Joy is something underneath happiness and [...]

Activate Myself

How You Show Up Matters – Creating Leadership Presence

One of the things I have struggled with my whole life (well, almost my whole life) has been showing up in a way that allows what I have to say to be heard. It isn’t something that is really taught – you have it or you don’t and for those [...]

The Struggle to Learn

A longtime diving friend reminded me that starting a new journey can sometimes be hard! She is starting technical diving and the skills aren’t the same as sport diving. I was reminded of what it is like to go from being competent and capable and then find myself struggling – [...]

The Distraction of Knowing

Once again, not a corporate post but one that speaks to a culture shift from a personal level. When we change how we show up we create new possibilities, so for me corporate culture shift is as much about processes like Scrum and concepts like Lean and Agile as they [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Where does the Change Sit ? With the Leaders or with Our Listening?

Changing culture isn’t easy, especially as culture can be seen to be the sum of all the individual identities, so it is inherently personal. One consistent narrative across organizations undergoing culture shifts seems to be that the leadership is the reason why we aren’t changing! If only our leaders would change, then so can we! It sounds good, after all leaders influence what behavior is and isn’t acceptable, right ? Perhaps not! Perhaps leaders are only half the equation ! What if our listening is the biggest culprit ? Ontological coaching uses listening as a way to describe how we [...]

Lessons from Servant Leadership – If they wanted to speak, they would ! Really ?

One of the benefits of facilitating our in-house Servant Leadership program is getting to meet a wide variety of people and seeing how Leadership is both practiced and seen across the bank. A number of patterns are emerging, one of which can be nicely summed up in a sentence I hear at practically every workshop, “If they had something to say, they would speak up! I do!”. Variations on this include, “So now I have to ask people for their opinion ? I don’t have time for that, we are all professionals, if they have something to say they should [...]

Leading isn’t Helping, Love isn’t Fixing

"Please, don't try to fix me. I am not broken. I have not asked for your solutions." The title for an excerpt that connected ...and a paragraph became a blog post. You see I had given up trying to explain this, now maybe I can. .I see this at work, I see this at home...the way people love, the way people lead, the way they isn't loving or gentle. It isn't even about the other person. It is about them, how they are feeling and about us sustaining that image of themselves. Stop fixing me, start loving me. Stop helping [...]

Personal Mastery

Finding Peace when living in an emotional world

Many people think excitement is happiness. But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace. At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it. Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the [...]

Being an Empath in a Rational, Corporate World [Soul Seeking]

I bumped into another empath at work to day. Neither one of us knew quite what to do. It was kinda embarrassing. After all, the last thing you admit to in a large, rationally minded corporate is being an empath. When you are in the professional world you work on [...]

How You Show Up Matters – Creating Leadership Presence

One of the things I have struggled with my whole life (well, almost my whole life) has been showing up in a way that allows what I have to say to be heard. It isn’t something that is really taught – you have it or you don’t and for those [...]

Leadership Mastery


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