One of the responses I hear the most is “but I don’t know what it is I want”. Which makes creating a clear, solid dream of ‘there’ difficult. I have spent years trying to find out what it is I want. I remember watching something along the lines of manifesting your dream on Oprah a good ten years ago and being stuck because all I knew was ‘this’ wasn’t it.

What if all you need is where you are right now ?

If where you are isn’t enough, then can you list what it is you no longer want to be present ?

Sounds easier than it sometimes is especially when you are facing something vague like lonely or sad or bored. So don’t only focus on the physical things and events that will have taken place and be there. Focus on the feelings that would be there. Imagine yourself on a beach (or any other place where you feel at peace with yourself and the world) – how are you feeling ? How is that different to how you normally feel ? What is different ?

Now, move yourself back to ‘home’ (or work or wherever you want to create your change). To keep those feelings, what isn’t there ? What is there instead ?

Don’t get stuck on a long list of what isn’t there because the universe can’t create nothing! It can only create which means to remove something you have to replace it with something else.

When you know what needs to go start to think about what would be there instead. The answer may not come quickly, but it will come. Let your mind go, get creative and silly. Don’t limit your thoughts by telling yourself it is impossible, not yet! Give yourself permission to be limitless and endlessly powerful in this moment – how and possible come later.

Spend a week, 2 weeks just doing this until you can immediately bring into your space the picture of a new ‘there’ and really feel it.

Only then, bring yourself into the present moment and start drawing the line between here and there. Only then, when you can see it and feel it and almost touch it in your head do you start to ask yourself how.

Go for it!
What if all it took was 2 weeks of dreaming ?

What if you could create a life you want to love ?

Dare to Dream! Dare to change! Dare to Live!